
One of the biggest obstacles for most guitar players comes from their own belief that in order to become a great guitarist, you have natural innate abilities. Over the years I gave a set of students private lessons, and I often hear things like these: 'I'll never be as good as (the student names of some great or famous guitarist)' 'guitarists like Yngwie and Steve Vai Malmstinu must be were born with incredible natural talent. " I usually answer by saying the student that he (or she) will never be a great guitarist, until they cease to believe in such things. Such great guitarists like Yngwie and Vai did not just once picked up a guitar in hand, some practice and become virtuosos. They're both a lot and worked hard to develop his amazing skills. Yngwie observed (many times) that he was engaged for 8 hours a day from 13 to 18 years! If he (and others) were born with all this talent, then why should they have done such a long and hard work to become what they are now? Perfect example of perseverance and tenacity of non-music world is a great basketball player Michael Jordan (Michael Jordan). Jordan was not good enough even to have taken his school team in basketball! Many people have given up after such a disappointment and, most all, would convince myself that sense to try again next year, not since they obviously do not have the talent. But Jordan being in this situation, did not think so. He worked hard and laid out every day, practicing and asking coach teach him, even if it was not a member of the team. The following year Michael took command, and eventually became one of the greatest athletes of all time. I knew several students who felt that they possess an innate talent. K Unfortunately, I saw how they spend their time, waiting for their "natural talent" will turn them into great players. They showed some progress in the beginning when they were engaged, but they were forced to make his talent the rest work for them. Usually at this stage, they become lazy and practice less, thinking that they would in any case a great guitarist. It's always hard for teachers to see students who have suffered failed because they did not continue to engage in hard, when they had potential. What does all this mean to you? This means that you too can achieve great results, if your heart is a passion for music, and if You have the patience and perseverance and practice CONCERNED EVERY DAY. It may take a long time, but it's worth it. Each of you has the same potential as any other to achieve great results. Do not wait when some natural talent will make you the way you want. You have to believe that you can only do this if you work hard and long if you believe in this idea and believe in yourself … Dreams can come true. Thank you for your attention.

Well Word

Like, I miss the full, and because of these scumbag miss and the first swim, and the extract from the hospital. Lying, that I do not give here call even once wept with her almost in sync. For such artistry I put Oscar in Hollywood, I put my pipe, and next to me laughing people, And I, of course, with them: how otherwise? That there should trade his favorite so fooled. And now, eight lines seriously, no sarcasm: Cops are all sorts, good and different, more wretched and communicate with them is dangerous, especially if you're not local, but the city red. Judge Shipovskaya heartily wish immediately after birth 10 days that's just hang out without her husband. Goodbye, city, Stalingrad, now clear to me, Where is the capital of our police state. I would like to apologize to Volgograd police are great guys and they have principles, and it is necessary to stray from the capital insolent, I had to shoot me at all, what could be penny wise. Me well fed and treated well with me, I sat with shining with happiness soup. Volgograd detention center – the real Garden of Eden, What a pity that I was finally released. In our country, the word free to do whatever it wants: admire the scenery outside the window barred, to see beautiful dreams in the dirty bunk, curled up and enjoy friendly peredachek content. Word – not a sparrow, and that they should not departed him, just in case do not give money where its mouth, at least by the Administrative or criminal, then no other cases do not want to have the word. By the way special treatment in the Russian Federation: Its like one to dread, others are fearful. First – thanks for the support and incentive not to give in, Well, the second in that 10, not 15. Respect and uvazhuha you from me and others arrested for a comfortable life and a camera all ready, for a shower with soap, free food, and bragging rights twice a day defecate.