Compassion Fatigue
Certainly, such as appointment Alejandro Rivera, Thomas syndrome is named for the character in the novel the unbearable lightness of being, of the Czech director Kundera, where the main character Tomas, was an individual who had lost their self-esteem, their attitude showed disappointment, boredom in daily work and absence of expectations of improvement. The rate of unemployment in our country play historical figures, but not only the unemployed suffer the consequences of the changes of globalisation, a high percentage of people with work suffer from psychosomatic illnesses caused by lack of adaptation to the new rules of the market. Burnout is a State of physical, emotional exhaustion and mental, caused by getting involved in situations emotionally plaintiffs, during a prolonged, (extracted from pins and Aronson, 1989) time fierce competitiveness and insecurity that govern workplace, the demands of the environment, the momentous changes in approaches to life and customs, condition a dizzying pace, that generates anxiety, emotional exhaustion, disorders in the rhythms of powerphysical activity and rest, with physical, psychic disorders and risk factors that put in check the health of the individuals of the new millennium. No doubt, many professionals in relationship of dependence, in the State or private field, to perform tasks in unfit conditions, with excessive working hours, insecurity in the charge, inadequate remuneration and lack of material and human resources indispensable for a correct work, them, integrate the universe of persons at risk of contracting occupational exhaustion syndrome. This syndrome is a multi-faceted and evolving, box with a historical development of disease, known by doctors since the 1970s, may begin with psychological changes that are increasing their intensity, since the discontent and irritability to emotional outbursts, affecting the physical and psychic systems fundamental to the survival of the individual. Management must take into account the effects that generates this symptom and what it means for the health of the person, both the productivity in this regard has: affects negatively the worker resistance, making it more susceptible to wear and tear by empathy, (Compassion Fatigue).