Celine Dion

Sex, as we know, allows a person to relax and relieve tension. And many experts believe that the sound of rain have just relaxing effect. So it turns out that the rain and sex – a combination of very successful. Another question is where to get rain among the hot summer or cold winter? Will have to search more successful versions. Romantic music, of course, if you have sex with the music, the first thing that comes to mind is some kind of romantic melody. However, the that may seem romantic to you, your partner may introduce horrible. How to choose? Why would you sit all night at the music center and listen to all the drives that you possess, and in his collection, picking up something suitable. Take, for example, Kenny G. He has all the music is slow, lyrical, saxophone solo. Ideal for sex? But many men do not like, they say that this music boring. And if you select the 'ballad' of foreign pop music Here is the same famous 'My heart will go on' in the performance of Celine Dion's more like the stronger sex, but we women immediately recall the sad story of the Titanic, and the whole love-story in the arms of your favorite does not seem Happy: mood astray. On the domestic artists I generally keep quiet: when you hear the familiar words, like 'I will not forget ' from a group of 'Dynamite', but rather want to sing than to make love.


It makes time that the television passed important information, educative. It makes time that the Brazilian television passed diversion, entreterimento. Nowadays what we see, it is almost bare scenes of sex, words xulas, women and that is had as mood, as diversion, as education, and, in the truth, all this palhaada, does not pass of cultural alienation. The BBB is an excellent example of this. Every year, accurately two times per year, one have left of Brazil, lose its precious time, to see which are the participants of this circus and which will be the viewers of ceninhas ridicule of explicit sex; Brazil for pra to see which will be the women of empty mind who go to show magnificent bodies, inversely proportional to its capacities of reasoning and promiscuous men. The BBB is not one reality show to gain a prize millionaire, the BBB does not pass of a sales program bodies, does not pass of a useless program, that does not serve for nothing. It is a spectacle of fofocas, you intrigue, frivolidades and several commentaries of the other people’s life, commentaries of the life of free and empty people. these are considered the heroes. would be sufficiently interesting to inquire who is the true heroes; if they are playboys delayed and its bonequinhas of empty mind or the Brazilians who survive with minimum wage, that 44 weekly hours work, that face enchetes, transit, lack of food, etc. Who is the true heroes? The incredible one is as the media obtains to manipulate sectors politicians, economic and social and us citizens, turns the silly ones the cut, who we laugh and we applaud this great nastiness of the Brazilian television. It is concluded, that the more if it spreads out the ignorance and the aculturao, greater will be the distanciamento of effective social and civic values. This program is the death of the culture, the ethics, the dignity and of the shame, it is necessity to stand out, that, shame and dignity, Brazil, lost makes time. It is a corrosive garbage without recycling possibility that penetrates in the popular way and forms the worse type of opinion: the opinion partial, distant tendenciosa and of any vestige of reasoning and intelligence.

Peter Casting

cast large bells weighing from 130 to 160 tons, including the famous Tsar Bell weighing 200 tons Bronze Russian guns contain 7 – 11% tin, up to 2% zinc and 0.4 – 1% lead. For the bronze bell used with a high content of tin. So, bronze Tsar Bell contains 17.21% tin and 81.94% copper, the rest – the impurity. Great importance for the development of casting was, inter alia, the creation of Peterhof fountains with cast lead figures, made by Dutch and English masters. At the end of the first quarter of xviii century. orders for sculpture abroad declined significantly, as in St. Petersburg began to cast the sculpture in lead in the workshops BKRastrelli and F. Vass, as well as on Vasilevsky Island in the workshops of the huts. Casting a golden. In the Summer the garden was a lead sculpture depicting Aesop and various animals – the characters Aesopian fables. Lead statues Peterhof fountains served until the early 30's. xviii century. By this time they are dilapidated and deformed. In Russia, the foundation of the Statutory casting was initiated in the first quarter of xviii century., In the reign of Peter I. Then came the outstanding works of sculpture, cast in bronze. Technique of casting and in pre-Petrine times was relatively high, but then she found application mainly in the casting of guns, bells, in the applied decorative arts. In the casting technique of the time is largely dominated by the influence Italian masters, but from the xv century.