However this subject frequent is associated with the improvement of the physical conditions of server, programs of leisure, style of life, adjusted organizacionais installations, attendance the claims of the workers and magnifyings of the set of benefits. However, the attendance to these necessities involves incidental costs, what already it is obstacle for the implantation of programs of quality of life in the work. The quality of life in the work comes being studied to speed, to facilitate the life of the worker, to become the work most pleasant, to bring well-being and to brighten up the suffering in the work. He is on directly with the satisfaction of the internal and external customers. According to studies, the satisfied professional dresses the shirt of the company, that is, the satisfaction in the work reflects in one better product or greater amount in the given services. The relationship between subordinate and commands is one of the main causes of low quality of life in the work. Therefore, this team will have to assist the controlling in the development and maintenance of the interpersonal relations (HADDAD, 2000). For Ciampone (1998), ' ' citizen if configures as active synthesis of a complex tram of bonds and social relations of a interracional history and social' '. Its be-knot-world thus acquires the modality of a relation of reciprocal transformation and, the citizen of necessities if it transforms into the citizen of representations, in the citizen of language, norms of ideologies. Any reflection of the citizen or a group that moves away to the perspective from analysis and understanding of the Inter-relations human beings of the order of the description-social cause a rupture enters the object to study and its conditions of production, being inhuman or surrealista at least. This implies to consider that the social representations of the nurses who make to the supervision, therefore concrete social reality and the form to understand and to offer the services that they work, are in accord with the production way the one that is submitted.