The Results
Besides detecting the auditory memory in the repetition of phrases and sentences. Because of this, the ART is not only a test that evaluates articulatory dyslalias presence, but also allows you to record some of the most frequent PSF reduction sequences are vowels, consonants and words of high metry. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Related Group. The test fonoarticulatorios regards, language schools, the evaluation carried out by sheets, which contain sequences of phonemes and vowel and consonant. The evaluation is done in contrast to the TAR by the name of the film by the child and which are recorded dyslalias and PSF that has a minimum. When comparing both tests are the following points consider: The TAR allows to determine the actual implementation of the child but does not reveal whether the child uses language that has the repertory. Author has much experience in this field. Besides the long version, often ends up boring or upsetting the child evaluated. The test lets you know Fonoarticulatorio use that has the least of their language, because the answer is through the name, but if the examiner does not make the child repeat the words considered to be wrong, can have erroneous results (false positives) to determining dyslalias and PSF. Finally, both are based assessment test to determine the result, knowledge about the articulatory phonetic and phonological development of children. This is where the language specialist interprets the information according to scales of development and clinical experience. For the construction of Software, SPAV, recorded the following guidelines based on the above mentioned information: The test should take the form of naming and repetition, to ensure the results and minimize false positives.