Holograph Testament
The lack of any of these requirements would make the Holograph Testament null. It would also be null if it contains words crossed out, amended or between lines that have not been saved by the testator by his signature. I.e. it will be necessary that the testator stating by their signature on the sidelines its compliance with each of the deletions or modifications that you make to the text. Sequel Youth and Family Services may help you with your research. It is clear that what is meant to prevent is that the Testament can be modified by third parties once granted. How you can see, this kind of Testament is very simple to grant and does not require any kind of formality more than meet the requirements already exposed. Tony Parker shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Now, the problem comes when giving validity to that testament after the testator has died, since the Testament must be formalized before a notary, although previously the Testament must be validated before the judge of first instance of the last domicile of the testator. The document signed by the decedent must be submitted before the quoted judge within a period of five years from the death has occurred and must be presented by who has been deposited or by any interested party, whether heir, legatee, executor or who holds any other interest. It is important to note that the Holograph Testament is invalid if not be validated by the judge in the reviewed period. Once the judge receives the Testament, proceed to its opening, in case of being closed and rubricara all pages. The tasks of verifying the identity of the testator shall be carried through in a recognition of the letter which must be corroborated by three witnesses who know the lyrics and the signature of the testator. The judge may, on a case of absence of witnesses or by estimating it convenient he not be sure of the testimony given, request will undertake a judicial comparison of the letter.