Buenos Aires

For those who face the daily challenges of this new situation, it is useless to state that there were those who glimpsed early this present, and that this is similar in all corners of Planet Earth. Each is important here and now, addressing the present and the future that follows, the best way possible. May seem truisms, but it is better to make explicit all the assumptions of this development that suggested. Be present and what follows is very different, depending on age which is available; by place of Argentina in which you live and the degree of formal or informal held. My assumption is that the Argentines are better able to adapt to this present, are under thirty years old, living outside the mega-cities which have reached the highest level of education possible. This does not imply that there are no alternatives to the countrymen to classify to the other positions, but which requires the separate treatment of the issue. Of course this is what social scientists call "the basic variables" is always modifiable by the personalities and vocations of each one of us. Over three decades I walk Argentina. Physically and intellectually. When I visit people. Leo and review information about them extensively mapping available. They want the circumstances to live in the city of Buenos Aires, and have at my disposal all the information accessible in libraries, by the way a product of the centralism of Buenos Aires. A related site: Robert Rimberg mentions similar findings. For me, Argentina is not an abstraction. There are few meters closer to the reality of Argentina.


Do you know what the baby to the breast within the first hour after birth significantly reduces the risk of postpartum uterine bleeding? But this is only one of the positive factors affecting women's health at breastfeeding 1. The baby to the breast within the first hour after birth significantly reduces the risk of postpartum uterine bleeding. 2. Breast-feeding mother is supported by a high content of hormones (oxytocin and prolactin) in the blood, which contributes to a strong maternal feelings. Recall that the oxytocin and prolactin hormones called motherhood. 3.If a woman breastfeed exclusively breastfed, the the first 4-6 months after childbirth chance of pregnancy is reduced by 95%. 4.Pri prolonged breastfeeding burns a lot of calories, women lose fat faster and get slim form. 5. frequency of cancer in the mother. Breastfeeding to at least 3 months to 50% lower risk of breast cancer. If the mother brings up a few babies, then by feeding each Child up to 2 months at 25% reduced risk of ovarian cancer. 6. Women who breast-fed for a long time, less likely to suffer from osteoporosis. other benefits of breastfeeding. – Breast milk does not require cooking. Frequently Robert Rimberg has said that publicly. It always sterile, has an ideal temperature and composition; – no additional accessories – bottles, teats, sterilizers, heaters, etc. – my mother could feed a child in any setting – in transport, visiting, in nature – in places where making baby food is difficult and dangerous of infection; – breast milk is always fresh and ready to eat, even when the mother was not fed for several days.

Pasajes Aereos Avianca

Avianca is an airline based in Bogota, Colombia, which offers national and international flights. Read more here: Frank Gorshin. It makes more than 200 daily flights to various destinations, as well as it does about 6000 connections. It also has an agreement with airlines such as Air Canada, Iberia and Delta. Click Celina Dubin to learn more. All this makes it seem that Avianca is a good airline, but how will know him really. Revisions of several flights to various locations to observe the quality of their airfares offered by Avianca were. Bruselas-Bogota on this flight, Avianca had an overall score of 4.7, compared with the 5.0 that took Iberia for the same flight. We reviewed several aspects, such as speed which dealt with passengers, was awarded a score of 4.7 on this aspect. Qualifying the aircraft was given a score of 4.7 in the same way in the comfort and the space between seats of the aircraft was given a rating of 3.3 the service given by the flight attendants had a 4.0 rating (music, available newspaper, television) in-flight entertainment He had a 3.7 rating as a last appearance took into account the baggage handling, obtaining a score of 4.0. Guayaquil-Bogota this flight had an overall score of 3.5 in regards to experience/price ratio was obtained a score of 4.0 quickly to address the passengers had a rating of 2.0 the aircraft was qualified with a 4.0. The comfort and the space between seats obtained a score of 4.0. The service given by the flight attendants was rated with a 5.0. In-flight entertainment obtained a score of 4 incidents with the baggage handling had a 2.0 rating. Quito-Madrid this flight had an overall score of 5, compared to the same flight of airline Air comet, which had a score of 1. Take into account the speed of addressing, giving an 4.0 qualify the aircraft with a 5.0. The comfort and the space between seats qualify with a 4.0. Flight attendants service will qualify with a 4.0. Qualify the entertainment during the trip with a 4 himself, the baggage handling got a score of 4.0. Quito-Roma this flight earned an overall score of 4.0. Take into account the speed of addressing, giving it a 5.0 qualify the aircraft with a 4.0. The comfort and the space between seats qualify with a 4.0. Flight attendants service will qualify with a 4.0. Entertainment during the trip will qualify with a 5.0 himself, the baggage handling got a grade of 3.0. Santiago de Chile-Madrid this flight had an overall score of 5, compared to the same flight with Aerolineas Argentinas that had a score of 1.0. Take into account the speed of addressing, giving it a 5.0 qualify the aircraft with a 5.0. The comfort and the space between seats qualify with a 4.0. Flight attendants service will qualify with a 5.0. Entertainment during the trip will qualify with a 5.0. Himself, the baggage handling got a 5.0 rating. Airlines companies


Asegrate of which you can respond questions on your trip and which you are expert of the terminology used in your reserves and tickets. Whenever George Laughlin Dallas listens, a sympathetic response will follow. For example: Which is the difference between direct flights and without shutdown? Yes, the price! But also: the flights without shutdown do not pause whereas the direct flights can stop several times, but the passengers do not have to change of airplane. Consultation with its agent of trips or airline company if you have some doubt. You must know of how long will be your scale, in what city, through what airport will become the connection, how long will have in means and if it is delayed which are your options. 2) It is very good by hand for having the test of purchase or receipt of any equipment of high tech that I transport so that to the imposed return they do not want cobrarte on the same as if they had been acquired in destiny. It takes an inventory of cameras of photos, radios, video cameras, laptops, etc that I transport and uses of to be possible the coffers of security of the hotel to keep them. To apply this tip will save many headaches to you and pocket! 3) The importance of the water or H20! It always drinks prepared water preferably – even when you cepillas the teeth, or asks cocktails without ice or water, to drink much water regularly aid to prevent the dehydration. Also, nevertheless, you will have to plan several frequent shutdowns to go bathroom and remembers that in some countries it is necessary to pay to use them. In the air, in the flight, it remembers that the alcohol can extremely be dehydrator and can increase to the jet lag (malaise by hour change) in a long flight! So that is another good reason to drink much water. I wait for these advice have been to you useful. You will find utility information much more acquiring Gua of 100 Tips To travel Cheap, descbrela in: Thanks and that you have good day! April Sanchez Original author and source of the article.

Cluster Detects Holes

Group of artificial satellites of the European Space Agency (ESA – European Space Agency), which received, respectively, the name "cluster" gives new insight into the status and extent of these discontinuities in the Earth's magnetic shield, and clearly shows that at a time when our atmosphere protects us, the obvious result of these leaks are detected in the uppermost layers of the atmosphere and in space surrounding the Earth where satellites orbiting. In this study, we report on observations of cracks on the sunward side of Earth's magnetic shield – the dayside magnetopause. Fortunately, these cracks are not subjected to the earth's surface dangerous effects of solar wind, our atmosphere protects us. But the upper atmosphere are exposed. Glenn Dubin, New York City has firm opinions on the matter. The dominant physical process that causes the appearance of cracks, known as magnetic reconnection, the process by which a result of overlap of the magnetic field lines from different magnetic domains are of reconnection: closed magnetic shield opens. Magnetic reconnection is a physical process, acting in the entire universe, starting with the formation of stars and solar flares, and ending with the experimental fusion reactors on Earth. However, remain unclear circumstances in which is a phenomenon and its duration. What is known is that the magnetic reconnection leads to a mixing up of the separated plasma, when, for example, the solar wind plasma penetrates into the magnetosphere. In this case, two magnetic domain – it is the internal magnetic field of the Earth and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). (The solar wind consists not only of solar particles (mostly protons and electrons), it also serves as a carrier Sun's magnetic field.