But the main thing, which gave a single line of all kinds of its activity – it's an amazing ability to identify and initiate those elements in the works of composers, which indicated some artistic perspective on new ways, testified about the art, which – regardless of the date of his birth – is alive and growing in today's context of culture. Because some of the Russian Diaghilev classics singled out by Mussorgsky, and from among the modern composers – Stravinsky, for whom, he said, there was "only the truth of today and the urgent need" to serve her full consciousness. " Meanwhile, this "truth today," emerges from the depths of centuries, fairy tales and myths, as a portrait of a young woman from Raphael represented the Madonna and Child. Diaghilev, as the whole circle of artists "World of Art" with their attention to the past, stick to Renaissance aesthetics, in what was the novelty of Russian art to Paris. As Russian Paintings xviii – early xx centuries, and the new Russian music xix – early xx century, presented at the "Russian historical concerts "in 1908, has features classic, conscious not just as a Renaissance classic, but it felt and caused the Parisians into raptures. That they "Boris Godunov"? "Premiere May 20, 1908 was a huge success. Its called a masterpiece, and found her only an analogy to the creation of Shakespeare. "Boris Godunov", wrote the newspaper "Liberte", the day after the premiere, "has the same (as in Shakespeare. – IV) intensity image past, comprehensive universalism, realism, richness, depth, moving ruthlessly feelings, beautiful and the same unity of the tragic and the comic of the same supreme humanity.