Little advice on how not to disrupt the vote in his younger years. Do not drink at work (in between songs) cold. When you sing, make a mouth as if you have a hot potato in the language. That is, between the tongue and upper-air must be an air dome. This will lead to the fact that resonate (shiver on your song) will begin the frontal part of the head.
Try not to sing his throat, and stomach, as it were. The abdomen should be relaxed in the pleasant stop. Standing to sing easier than sitting down. These tips from a professional teacher cherish my vocal cords today. If the ligaments will nodules, the operation can cost around $ 1,000. Why do we have such sorrow? So take care of the bunch. Spend time and money to the consultation on the technique of singing. Creating a team.
Working alone. Equipment. If your vocal level or play an instrument is not sverhgenialnym, the team may have to create yourself. Generally this is a very long story. While you will be creating a team (and the creation of a good-paid staff take years, believe me), it is possible to die of starvation. Therefore, the usual rather poor musician, you can start generally work alone, so hurry to make a good instrument and equipment. So much easier and faster to join the ranks of professional (ie, actually working) musicians. So much better chance that you then be noticed and invited to the team.