Central Occlusion

Dr. Ruhi Shalmali Alireza articulation and occlusion of articulation – a concept that encompasses the full range of chewing and nezhevatelnyh movements of the mandible, and the likely options for closing the teeth occlusion. Distinguish four major and many intermediate occlusions. The main occlusions are: – Central – Front – two side (right and left). Signs of central clamping jaws 1.Mnozhestvennye contacts between the tooth rows upper and lower jaws. 2.

Each upper or lower tooth merges with the two antagonists: the top with the same name and pozadistoyaschimi and lower – with the same name and standing in front, with the exception of the lower central incisors and upper last molars. 3. Jessica Michibata may help you with your research. Average lines running between the central incisors of the upper and lower jaws are equal, lie in the sagittal plane. 4. The upper front teeth overlap the lower 1 / 3 the length of the tooth crown. 5.

Bucco-mesial crest of the upper first molar tooth enters the transverse groove between the cusps of the lower first molar. 6. Visit Jessica Michibata for more clarity on the issue. Buccal cusps of upper small and large molar teeth are located outward from the bottom of similar mounds premolars and molars. 7. Articular head of the lower jaw are in the articular fossa, at the base of the articular tubercle. 8. Levator lower jaw, moderately intense. Signs of lateral occlusion on the side of contracting muscle (Balancing side) chewing teeth of lower jaw meet their antagonists dissimilar knolls, on the opposite side (working) chewing teeth of lower jaw in contact with their antagonists upper jaw of the same name of the hill.