Client-centered therapy approaches for treating many disorders and addictions. Tony Parker often expresses his thoughts on the topic. However, this method imposes very stringent requirements on the personality of the therapist, so its effectiveness is directly depends on the elaboration and safely specialist. Also, the method is not suitable for people with severe social fears and concerns. 5. Existential psychotherapy is shown to solve the problems associated with limit givens of existence: death, freedom, isolation and meaninglessness.
In addition, the existential approach can also be used to solve the problems associated with freedom, responsibility, love and creative potential. A separate conversation about the specialists, not with basic psychological education and health. Usually it is a basic education in “Psychiatry”, after which you may receive education and psychological areas of the psychotherapist. I personally am very careful to such experts, because it seems to me that the medical unit at the division of all people on the sick and healthy, normal and abnormal, eats into them so deeply that it is difficult then to build partnerships and the therapeutic relationship, they tend to take on the role of “wise counselor” almighty teacher not located in, and the situation. However, such an attitude can not be applied to all similar professionals polls, and I personally know very wonderful therapists with basic medical education. Also, I think not must have a special thrill to academic titles, because in Russia there is no scientific council, which would protect professionals from research in the field of psychological counseling, and deep knowledge of specialized psychological spheres are of little help in practical psychology.