The changes that certainly will have to affect the educational systems as resultant of the progress in the area of engineering of systems, digital electronics and tele-transmission of shared data, will change of time the culture the way of the human beings to acquire and to construct its knowledge? This today seems to be one of the great questions raised for specialists in long-distance education. The learning will be, of this time, really democratic and to the reach of all? Who it would not interest these changes in the behavior of the apprenticees, who will be able to come of practically all the social classrooms? Pierre Lvy considers the fantastic possibility of the personalized learnings and at the same time cooperative, suggesting that the professor will become in one ‘ ‘ entertainer of intelligence coletiva’ ‘ , or what he wants that this comes to be. In almost visionary way, even so sufficiently convincing, the author proclaims that the universities of the future would be contributing for new ‘ ‘ economy of conhecimento’ ‘ when organizing communication between employees, individuals and resources of learning of all the sort. The debate if sends to the rays of the philosophy when the author teoriza on vastssima capillarity of the world-wide net of information shared for billions of users in all the planet, as if the authorship of the supreme knowledge ‘ suppressed one; ‘ source to know supremo’ ‘ of divine origin, what effectively it prints sufficiently freedom in the lucubrations and its autorias. How much with the multiplicity and the volume of information, Roy Ascott, cited for the author of the text, it compares such torrent of knowledge to a dilvio of information, that wants god does not make marshy and drowns the multiple cultures of the planet in a mesmice that will not be able to facilitate the Big Brother of the consumista capitalism.