Mug (ERYSIPELAS) Erysipelas occurs as a distinct disease or may be a complication of wounds and other purulent processes in ogranizme (osteomyelitis, abscesses, boils). Etiology. Actress oftentimes addresses this issue. The causative agent is the hemolytic streptococcus. Epidemiology. The disease is more common during the cold season and can affect people in everyday life, and in the production environment. Streptococcus penetrates the skin or mucous membranes from the outside, in violation of the integrity of its upper layers (through abrasions, cracks, scratches) and from purulent lesions of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and other organs lymphogenic or hematogenous route. However, the disease mug is not only due to the impact streptococci in the skin, but with proper dispositions, possibly due to prior sensitization steptokokkami or products of their decay. This explains the fact that the same streptococcus different people causes disease (erysipelas, phlegmon, abscess).
By the predisposing causes of disease erysipelas include the lack of hygienic skin care, occupational injury, rubbing the legs, etc. When Roger does not produce immunity, often after the disease occurs predisposition to relapse. Recurrences are more common in those with foci of chronic infection (otitis, sinusitis, dacryocystitis, phlebitis) or chronic eczema, athlete. Clinic. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 7 days. Typically, the disease begins acutely, with a common phenomena – weakness, fatigue, headache; temperature with a fever rises to 39-40 . In severe cases vomiting, at least – a loss of consciousness, delirium, meningeal phenomenon. When erythematous erysipelas simultaneously with the general phenomena, or a little later (a few hours to 1-2 days), there are local variations on the skin as a painful red spots, quickly growing in size.
With increasing redness and swelling associated feelings of tension and burning. The skin of the affected plot is tense, shiny, hot to the touch. Swelling of the strongest in places with loose subcutaneous tissue (lips, eyelids). Redness of the skin in erysipelas has sharp, irregular borders in the form of tongues of flame, and often on the periphery marked infiltrative border wa face – signs by which the disease is different from other purulent diseases (abscess, cellulitis, infected wounds).