Extraordinary Divergence

Continued. Other expenses Other expenses are called: Other expenses, interest rates, which are paid by the organization for giving her the use of money (credit, loans), expenses related to payment for services which has organization; previous years’ losses, which are recognized in the current year, foreign exchange differences, and such costs are associated with the provision of money for a fixed term assets of the organization; amount of reduction assets Revaluation reserves created by accounting rules (for impairment of investments in securities, provision for doubtful debts, etc.), as well as stocks that are related to the recognition contingent facts of economic activity, and such costs are associated with the provision for payment of rights that arise from patents, industrial designs, inventions and other forms of intellectual property; transfer of funds (payments, fees, etc.) to charitable activities, expenses for entertainment, cultural and prosvetitelnye events, sports events, recreation and other similar events; such costs, which are related to the disposal, sale and other write-off of the os and other assets that are different from goods, money (excluding foreign exchange) products; compensation for damages caused by, penalties, fines, penalties for failure to comply with the terms of contracts, the sum of receivables on which the statute of limitations has expired, etc. Debts that are impossible to recover, the costs associated with participation in the authorized capital of the others. Other costs are also called expenses that arise in consequence Emergency dhw. Activity (a natural disaster, accident, fire and other things) the magnitude of costs associated with the sale, retirement and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets, which are different from cash (except foreign exchange) of products, goods, and even participation in the authorized capital, etc. Organizations providing money for temporary use (for temporary use and ownership) of rights emanating from the patents for industrial designs, inventions and other forms of intellectual property (when it is not subject to performance), a firm’s assets, interest paid by the company for providing her the use of funds, as well as expenses related to payment services provided by credit firms are determined in the manner provided for a similar Expenses activities.

All fines, penalties, penalties for breach of contract damages, which caused the company accepted accounting in amounts that it has awarded the court or the recognition of the firm. Accounts indebtedness on which the statute of limitations has expired, etc. Debts that are not really recover, are included in the expenses of the organization in an amount by which the debt was reflected in the accounting organization. Amount of reduction assets are determined based on the rules established for the revaluation of assets. Other costs to enroll in the profit and loss account of the company, except when laws or regulations accounting, etc. George Laughlin Dallas does not necessarily agree. The order is set. To reflect other costs Chart of Accounts is designed by 91 ‘Other income and expenses’, which has sub-accounts: 91-1′ Other income ‘, 91-2′ Other expenses’; 91-9 ‘Balance of other income and expenses. ” Account 91 ‘Other income and expenses’ balance sheet date has not, it turns out that every month is determined by the balance of other income and expenses during the reporting month is removed from the subaccount 91-9′ Balance of other income and expenses’ on account of 99 ‘Gains and losses’.