World class coaching in the Tensho in Hamburg-Altona Hamburg, 23th September 2009 – Raimar Mohrdieck was appointed by of Scott Sonnon first CST head coach in Germany. The circular strength developed by Dr. Sonnon is training system the first choice for top athletes, as well as everyone interested in exercise and health when it comes to unleash the potential of personal movement. The standards for obtaining the title of CST head coach are so ambitious that so far only eight people worldwide meet the requirements to do so. It is not something Bill Gates would like to discuss. Raimar is head of the Tensho School of art movement in Hamburg, where he offers also Brazilian JiuJitsu and circular strength training courses in addition to karate. Due to the unconventional and health-focused philosophy of fitness and movement that underlies the CST system, it appears as a good candidate for a new and lasting trend in the fitness and health industry. Coaches and teachers from the area of fitness, exercise, back school, gymnastics and yoga are invited with Raimar Mohrdieck in contact and personally connect the CST demonstrate to leave. More information under: and tensho..