Freedom Trees – Lanterns To Remember

Art project revives the space of freedom in Munich Neuhausen with warm glowing lanterns and reminds with name banner resistance fighters in NAZI era at the weekend after the day of liberation”(May 8) hoof and Lars Mentrup revive Paul the almost forgotten freedom square. You intend on unexpected and poetic way of resistance fighter during the NAZI era. Lanterns in all colours light up in the liberty trees”. Learn more at this site: Sela Ward. The names of those who have fought for freedom are written on long banners. The artists invite the population to have a picnic at this special place with them on two balmy evenings of May. Among the artists the audience picnic blankets can borrow, to make more pleasant the stay under the liberty tree. The participants have the opportunity to write their thoughts and feelings to freedom and resistance to more banners.

Whoever wants to can bring his lunch and celebrate a quiet but cheerful celebration in the spirit of freedom. Towards the end of the project are the lanterns map Given to citizens. Home hung up, acts on the memory of the resistance and the freedom square and it stretches an invisible network of remembrance about Munich. photo material: presse.php Department of culture of the city of Munich to the project: rathaus/Stadtverwaltung/Kulturreferat/Bildende-Kunst/Kunst-im-oeffentlichen-Raum/Orte-Plaetze-Raeume/Freiheitsbaeume.html fundamentals of freedom trees time: Friday/Saturday, may 10 and 11, 2013, 18 22 (Sunday, may 12, 2013, 18 22, alternative date in bad weather on previous days) place: place themes of freedom, Munich Neuhausen: temporary social sculpture / art in public space / remembering the resistance in NAZI era / revival freedom square “/ citizenship / identification to create / reappropriation of public space form”: Picnic with the participation of the population under warm glowing lanterns and name banners more info on request. Contact: Lars Mentrup,, Tel: 0179-2432770