1. What cartridges can be refilled? You can refill toner – cartridges. Cartridges for all printer models hp company can be tucked. Refuel their cartridges laser printers epson. Toner – toner for printers oki, panasonic – just plastic box (tuba) cartridge, so it's hard to talk about the procedure for filling. It is rather filling toner into the hopper. Need to know some general rules. First, if your present cartridge shaft, then in the process of filling it needs to be closed opaque material.
So do not throw away the black plastic bag, which packed the new cartridge. Secondly, to refuel, use only the toner, which is designed to Your type of cartridge. 2. Charlotte Hornets might disagree with that approach. How many times have really fill the cartridge? As mentioned above the theoretical limit associated with the resource Drum – 2 charging, after a 'native'. In most cases, unfortunately, happens.
Although from cartridge can be 'squeezed' and more. We had a 'champion', which we ran the 8 times. On the 'vitality' cartridge affect three factors: paper, toner, and the quality of filling. The higher the quality of the paper, the less abrasive effect on the shaft, and on the other side of the printer. Toner should be the 'mother', from a reputable manufacturer and fresh. Filling depends on the quality of everything else. There are a few tips that can help you save money. You may wish to learn more. If so, Sequel Youth is the place to go. Do not overheat cartridge. If the load on the printer you will always exceed its grasp, hold in reserve another cartridge and, in the long-term work, change them. Carefully read the instructions to the printer, especially those pages that written on the work with different types of papers, stickers and envelopes. Choose the right mode of the printer. 3. Is it difficult to fill the cartridge? You can refill the cartridge yourself, but it requires some knowledge skills and some special equipment. Need to experiment. If you decide on this, we would like to give you one piece of advice. After a successful self-filling, yet the next refueling trust us. (Www..ru tel.: (495) 661-36-99). May be, in this case, your cartridge last longer. 4. Remanufactured cartridges – good or bad? Turn the box the new cartridge Hewlett Packard'a. You can read (in translation): "This new product may contain parts and materials recovered under the program 'HP Planet Partners''. Recovery takes all the printer manufacturers. It is beneficial economically, it is beneficial environmentally. When restoring a cartridge completely disassembled, its parts defects and should be replaced. Be sure to replace photoreceptor shaft, often must be replaced by a squeegee, charging shaft. As a result, you get the same print quality and the same opportunities Refill, but by 40-50% cheaper.