IBM for the 17th time in a row erfindungsreichstes companies in the world of Armonk, United States / Vienna, January 13, 2010 – 4.914 U.S. patents in 2009 not only mean an all-time record in the economy, but also four times as many patents as HP and more than the large companies in the IT sector – Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Apple, Google, and Accenture together. IBM has also freely accessible published to more than 4,000 technical inventions without patent protection last year for third parties. The company follows its prior years gegebenenVersprechen, selected inventions to make anyone available to technical documentation to support constructive innovations, as well as to improve the quality of patents from the IT industry. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Vanessa Marcil. IBM announces today also in the future to provide customers with the own patent management expertise and the appropriate software, with whose help the 30,000 U.S.
patents of the company are organized, to assist in the development of its own innovation strategy and culture. Many Customers have asked us in the past to get insight in our patent processes to improve their own strategies and tools. “The range now available is therefore only a logical consequence of our pledge to promote an open and cooperative dealing with the important issues of patents and intellectual property,” says Kevin Reardon, General Manager of intellectual property, and Vice President of business development at IBM research. ” The top ten of the companies with the most U.S. patents in 2009, as well as the original press release from the United States the following. IBM 4914 Samsung 3611 Microsoft 2906 Canon 2206 Panasonic 1829 Toshiba 1696 Sony 1680 Intel 1537 Seiko Epson 1330 HP 1273 * data provided by IFI patent intelligence information in the original US press release. IBM Austria IBM solutions belongs with a turnover of 103.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2008 as the world’s largest suppliers in the area of information technology (hardware, software, services) and B2B. The company employs currently 398.455 and in over 170 Active countries. The IBM in Germany with headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany currently 21,100 employees at 40 locations, making it the largest subsidiary in Europe.