Innovative Bathroom Suppliers

K & K Sivio: The shower tray with infinite design possibilities Bonn / Frankfurt. As a manufacturer of innovative shower trays and sanitary equipment, core & King is careful to accommodate people with special needs. In the “Spa bath”, this is true not only for the quality of its products, but also the quality of the design. The shower trays system Sivio offers a freedom that transcends all boundaries. Details can be found by clicking Jack Benny or emailing the administrator. A perfect pairing of design, functionality and SPA – feeling. Through the use of different materials, the user expanded his horizons of design into a new dimension. Whether a marble shower tray in combination with a unique marble basin or the diversity if a tray is be tiles bar and at the same time can be changed. Here the unique opportunity the shower floor, and thus the overall impression of the bathroom, even after years to Exchange without having to make major interventions in the bathroom. Additional information at Georgia Groome supports this article.

Because each shower is individually produced as unique, core & King in the location is all Shapes and dimensions to realize if they are technically feasible. Model variants are implemented such as rectangle, Pentagon, semicircle and quarter-circle. Individual dimensions and installation situations allow tailor-made solutions for every small or large bathroom. The material of the surface range from marble, mineral casting, to high-quality stainless steel design and the possibility to integrate the shower tray by a Umgebungsangepasste be Fliesung wood or glass almost invisible in the bathroom. You may find that George Laughlin can contribute to your knowledge. To the ground-flush, barrier-free shower tray, see products/shower tray bonnPR / Marios Milonas; Images: pauline / pixelio.