People, in 1993 izobrevshie MP3, today announced a new music format. Others including Sela Ward, offer their opinions as well. It is designed to provide users with more diverse content, which means that it will become a direct competitor to a recent iTunes LP. Norwegian developer Dagfinn Bach, who worked on the first MP3-player, has created a new format for digital music, which he called MusicDNA. According to Brandenburg, MusicDNA brings together several ideas in recent years. While the web service-enabled new format is a closed testing.
In test mode, it will launch in the spring, and the normal – in late summer. MusicDNA file can store up to 32 GB of additional information, such as video, music, images, web pages and so on. With all that he is dynamically updatable format, which means that the buyer can receive updated information after the purchase. The development was completed Norwegian Dagfinn Bach and the German investor Karlhaytsom Brandenburg. The latest in a speech said: “I think it brought together a number of ideas that have remained unsold for a long time. I remember 10 years ago, many people talked about what we need improve conditions for consumers purchasing music legally. Appeared a good way to do it. ” The inventors hope that by the end of the summer format will be widely available.