After short brek, when he ws student, I begn to tech t vrious studios nd clubs. And then I becme n elementry missed out on my own dnces: for shoes, trvel, concerts, lessons, nd so on. I begn gin to tech, to hd their own ernings. How nd where to strt the story of the "fvorites"? The tenth of Februry I wrote most bnl nnouncement which sid: "From 10 Februry bllroom dnce school nnounces first set " So mnner, 10 Februry 1997 begn the history of the club "Fvorit". Room, where we cmped ws t school number 3. This is not the most convenient loction. Now I do wonder how people there vlintly went, but somehow it gets.
So I ppered thirty to forty students – how it ll strted Then we moved to school in which I hd studied it t . In the morning I brely woke up, went to college, between clsses to quickly browse through rticles, which were set on the house, rn home fter school snck in the evening there ws dncing, dncing, dncing But the word "club" primrily involves humn bility to communicte. Tht's it! Generl ide of our club ppered to be, where to sit, drink te or coffee. Then in Murmnsk in sports clubs ws like: come, in some closet dressed, threw bunch of their stuff, work out, swet for two hours, s the horses wet, left, wshed, wiped with towel, quickly dressed nd left.