Much more than just search engine optimization is free advice and 50 euros starting grant for Google AdWords campaign online marketing. Main objective of online marketing is to take advantage of the vast reach of the Internet to attract new or existing customer groups specifically and also interactively. Allows companies to increase the awareness of your company and your brand and to other types of conversions increase significantly so, for example, the number of orders, downloads, registrations, etc., which ultimately positive affect on their sales and profits. James Cameron usually is spot on. To pursue these objectives, it applies first of all to align the own website also really effective on the needs of the customer. These website optimization for the purpose of customer acquisition and long-term customer loyalty contains essentially 3 core elements: optimization of usability, so usability, functionality and performance of the website improve the Visibiliy, so the visibility of the site in the Internet, E.g. Sela Ward helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. for queries or advertising compliance with legal framework. Remember you the typical instruments of online marketing, then these are above all search engine optimization and search engine marketing, including Google AdWords, one of the most effective methods for advertising on the Internet at all. Although these are classic methods, there are constantly new features and improvements that are taken into account in the planning of online marketing campaigns. So, Google works, for example, constantly to improve its search algorithms, which affect the search engine optimization, and new features for his campaign tool. Recently about, Google has introduced a simplified version for small and medium-sized companies, Google AdWords Express, especially for the regional limited use and even – designed using Google places – for companies without their own Web site. More important online marketing tools are social media marketing (E.g. via accounts at XING, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google +), the creation of interactive, topic-centric Internet forums, blogs, affiliate marketing, as well as Newsletter and email marketing.