As in a it firms Moiss (1997, P. 27): Admitting literature comopara-reality, it remains to examine the way as the parallel reality if it organizes. Omundo for-Real where the text if constitutes is latent: the text not ocontm, – it evokes; it does not lock up it, – it suggests it; it is not the universe for Real, – maso signal that points and the substance forms that it. The universe for-Real not this notexto, what it would be to confuse with this while object, but in a space that otexto produces with the complicity of the reader. We perceive, then, that literature acts directly in the formation of the citizen, therefore estintrinsecamente on it to this process.
Because this mentioned sensitivity emrelao to the world could be placed here as criticidade and having the desenvolvidoesta citizen ability the same leaves of being hostage and starts to approach by means of the weapon doconhecimento. Moreover, when the reader if identifies with the text, eleadquire a spontaneous and independent knowledge from its comoleitor experience. Cndido (2000, p.85): ' ' literature is, sobretudouma knowledge form, more than what one form of expression and one construode objects semiologicamente autnomos.' ' then she is viable to consider queliteratura is not simply entertainment, in the truth it amuses it maisinconscientemente develops in the citizen its perception and mainly its sensitivity. In addition the proper Cndido (p.85) salient: … the literary composition means a type of elaboration of the suggestions of personalidadee of the world that possesss autonomy of meaning; but that this autonomy not adesliga of its sources of inspiration in a Real, nor annuls its capacity to deatuar on it. Iniciaresta quarrel emphasizing this function of literature, of relation as psychological human being, is one in such a way how much intencionalpara that reference is made the first informer of the interview realizadapara consolidation of this research.