Harmonization of the vibrational-polnovymi flows beauty determines the stability of the motion vector to a truly authentic life, fortified by strong foundation of integrity identity. The real personality always holistic and symphonic agreed with itself in all departments and units. Only a holistic microcosm can awaken the Secret! 'Tsvetopsihosomatika' helps people reconnect with their own integrity! The gift of intuition awakens only reintegrated man who managed to find himself in the proper order. Experience proves that it is such general (vershinnoe!) purpose DSP – to build a solid bridge movement of the person to agree with yourself! Over the past decade, individual psychotherapy in the world gave way to a family. Chelovekovedy understand the need to heal is not part of the system and the system as a whole, which is every family. Not only is the effect of CPF harmonizes psycho-emotional climate in the family body, and even 24 hours consecutive and continuous. Each of living in a family steeped in a kind of energy-environment, the impact of which at least unconsciously, but quite inevitable.
With parallel sessions, CPF members making the whole family shows the effect of the so-called 'psycho-energetic catamaran'. When is the best feeling one person, it can naturally support and welfare of others. However, developing under the influence of the DSP relatives are more powerful system than an individual, and because the effect of DSP-affects them more stable and clear. In the family, no one should allow themselves 'hang on a log', which is one of the drag last effort, while others accompany the general vyalovato vital work.