The humanizao of the individuals in our society consists of the social control. The great objective of the organization of the cities, countries etc., is to obtain to watch its inhabitants. How many of us we perceive in some place the acknowledgment: ' ' It smiles, you is being filmado' '? For majority this brings tranquillity, therefore in the measure where the violence was banalizou, in them we feel watched insurances being. But if to observe this event with looking at more distrustful, will perceive that, in the truth, we are in the same position of that one to who the camera has the objective to capture the image; we are all observed suspecting and therefore. However, it imports us a bigger and still more alarming perception, that goes beyond the simple sensation of our invaded privacy. We are under the onipresentes looks of adestrador, that it regulates and it tries to foresee our actions so that they do not run away from the social control.
This is the attempt of humanizar of more adequate form the individuals. To better explicitar this humanizadora function of the society, we use affirmations of Peter Sloterdijk when it is mentioned to the future of the ways of humanizao, that go very beyond its critical one to the domesticadora college effected by the humanismo. ' ' Who today is questioned on the future of the humanity and of the ways of humanizao it essentially desires to know if subsiste some hope to dominate the current embrutecedoras trends between the men. How much to this, it has a disturbing importance the fact of that the embrutecimento, today and always, costuma to occur accurately when it has great development of the power, either as imperial warlike harshness, either as daily bestializao of the people for the entertainments desinibidores of mdia.' ' (Rules for the human park, pgs.: 16-17) These regimes social that they are essentially controlling (no society or community is exempt of this) search to train the man, so that nobody acts in disagreement with the order proposal.