Fluorescent paint made with bright, pure colors. But they have very low light resistance and chemical resistance. Metallic inks may be pasty or liquid. Paste colors are available ready to use, while two-component liquid paints are available (pasta, plus a binder and solvent) and must be mixed immediately prior to printing. In a flat offset printing is very difficult to achieve good balance of water paint by using metallic inks of the large size of the pigment.
These paints are easily erased, if they applied lacquer to prevent abrasion, reduced metallic luster. Metallic paints can also print gravure printing, but the image appears with ragged edges. There is a general recommendation for metallic and fluorescent inks – printing on coated paper, if not reduce the absorption of their luster. Applying paint layer larger than usual increase the perception of colors. They can also be mixed with conventional offset inks for improved print properties. Paint applied with a long time. Modern paints are complex chemical substances. Car paints are composed of three materials: pigments, binder and solvent.
Pigment Pigment – a substance that gives color paint and perform some other function, for example, slows down the corrosion. In the colors of the "metallic" color is especially important, as will be discussed further. This binder material is a carrier pigment and helps it to consolidate the painted surface. It also forms a protective glossy film on top of the pigment after drying. Solvent solvent gives the paint flow, corresponding purposes of its application. It is made on the basis of volatile compounds. The solvent evaporates constantly (as in painting, and after it), leaving the surface of the pigment and binder that form paint cover. The different types of paint suited various solvents. The paint must be diluted with an appropriate solvent, and only to the desired strength. Car paints not so long ago the choice was limited to only two types of color: nitrocellulose lacquer (also known as cellulose paint) and synthetic enamel.