Basket Weaving
At the moment it is known that wickerwork, birch and willow weaving is an ancient craft, which have arisen much earlier pottery and occupied for many centuries an important place in people's lives. Known, that as early as the Neolithic weaving vine was one of the usual occupation. This is confirmed by archaeologists who discovered basketry served our ancestors forms for the manufacture of pottery. Mention of basket weaving can be found in biblical texts: Pharaoh's daughter finds baby Moses floating down the Nile in a wicker basket made of reeds. Basket weaving technique was one of the most common in the Middle Ages. On canvases Renaissance artists depicted a variety of basketry items. For many centuries, from the branches of trees were building homes and outbuildings, made fences, woven baby cradles, Body carts, furniture, wicker baskets, as well as making toys, utensils, and souvenirs. As for birch, the products of it, too, have found wide application in agriculture. Ribbons were produced from the bark baskets, dishes, shoes, various decorations. In the second half of the twentieth century weaving vines, and willow bark has been in vogue many different sectors of society. Virtually all houses were to be found basketry, tables, sofas, screens, chests, chairs, swing, tableware and other products. It is worth noting that this type of decorative arts is one of the few crafts that have reached our time almost unchanged methods material processing and weaving techniques. Learn to weave a vine from the vine and the bark can be anyone.