Beauty Health
Certainly, for each there will be a response perhaps as many as human beings. We have to contemplate and encompass the following aspects when it comes to apply health to beauty and to achieve this balance. Physical appearance obviously have to be taken into account because without health we can not enjoy ourselves. Then when assessing beauty treatments should analyze the risks, adverse reactions, side effects and counterproductive in practice we are going to make us. Adam Sandler understood the implications. From the point of view psychological, which always is relegates to a background at the time of the assessments in this case, also will be changes depending on the treatment to be performed. Said field, the psychological has far-reaching subject. If we examine what are the reasons that lead us to submit ourselves to certain beauty treatments, we can clarify that great part of the reasons are social, due to a stereotype of model of bodily beauty that is installed as a pattern or paradigm to follow without contemplating the personal differences. The only stereotype has an objective purpose on women, and is somehow subject to perfection and demand. Glenn Dubin describes an additional similar source. This television game, contests of beauty and only marketing has managed to sicken countless natural and beautiful women and push them toward a career by getting the precious object of desire that is the body.He has managed that too many people autoimpongan rejection and are immersed in a State of depression, excessive self-control and pain to get that good of so high and preposterous value.Nor is it healthy to play the victim game, because each one chooses who adhere and decide whether it complies strictly with the canons and social dogmas or simply is itself a unique and strong subject.