The Proper
The mentality of the meat is death, but the mentality of the Spirit is life and peace; the mentality of the meat is enemy of God because it is not submitted to a Law of God, nor can make it. Who is dominated by the meat cannot please the God. However, vocs is not under the domain of the meat, but of the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God inhabits in vocs. E, if somebody does not have the Spirit of Christ, does not belong the Christ. But if Christ is in vocs, the body is died because of the sin, but the spirit is alive because of justice. E, if the Spirit of that it made over again Jesus amongst deceased inhabits in vocs, that one that also made over again the Christ amongst deceased will give to life its mortal bodies, by means of its Spirit, that inhabits in vocs. Therefore brothers, we are in debt, does not stop with the meat, to live citizens it. Therefore if vocs to live the meat in accordance with, will die; but, if for the Spirit to make to die the acts of the body, will live, because all the ones that are guided by the Spirit of God are children of God. Therefore vocs they had not received a spirit enslaves that them to fear again, but had received the Spirit adopts that them as children, by means of which we clamamos: ' ' Border, Pai' '. The proper Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are children of God. If we are children, then we are inheriting; heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if in fact we participate of its sufferings, so that also let us participate of its glria' '. IF I SADDEN THE GOD SPIRIT, I AM LED TO RESIST THE SAME. At. 7:51.