The decay of the American Empire. The historical importance of the 11 of September, is to be the marcante date of a new moment for the world. A moment where the wars if give of different forms, forms that exceed the military poderios, a time that exactly a group overwhelmingly superior to another one it can be felt threatened ahead of the attacks. It has since the American Empire, had as a modern version of the powerful Roman Empire, if rightened ahead of a worthless group of terrorists. Its consequncias had been one opportunist disastrous external politics and at the same time of George W. Bush (one pssimo leader for the moment, by the way), that it joined the nation around the idea of revenge and affirmation of the hegemony of the country (the reason of the attacks was not this), and a certain impression of that the world, definitively, was not so safe and previsible as we imagined. Although the absolute certainty of that we viviamos under an established order, dictated for the Empire, at the same time seemed absurdly clearly that it was gives if to breach.
This because who was this proper society ' ' idealizou' ' the attacks that suffered, training Bin Laden one decade before and preparing the spirit of the people to what it would come if to carry through in that one 11 of September of 2001. It fit to the Hollywood to stage tragedy much time before, when it destroyed its proper country in films as MIB and Independence Day. He was the imaginary one of the American people who wise person for where the society if directed. The cinema, only registered. It exerted the paper that fits to the art, brought to tona the question, but it did not give the reply. The 11 of September fulfilled its paper in history and explained everything. It had the headquarters for the self-destruction. The reality then, saved in them of the extraterrestrial ones and presented the terrorists.
But the devastao was the same one. The tragedy was an expectation of the American people. it makes sensible. They grmem it of the attacks was in the proper arrogance of the Empire, in its interventionist external politics and in its great power in finding that the hatred that the world more felt each time in relation to its country was only fruit of the envy, and not of actions that had historically changed the routes of the other nations and the world all. In this point, George W. Bush was so devastador for its people how much the attacks of that day. It was who confirmed the arrogance of the Americans. It was also who took ahead the famous War to the Terror that placed welded in countries that it did not need them it brought and them in return for house without life. The 11 of September not only knocked down the towers and made victims in that definitive day. It very brought bigger consequncias to a society that since then, coexists the fear of new attacks that can come by any reason of any side. The attempted against one to the World Trade Center is the first moment of the decay of the American Empire.