The Child

Therefore, the importance of the trick, therefore is the real creation of a new relation between situations of the thought and situations that make possible new mental associations. The pparently simple tricks are sources of stimulaton to the cognitivo, social and affective development of the child with intellectual deficiency and also a form of auto expression. Jorge Perez addresses the importance of the matter here. Perhaps few parents know how much it is important playing for the physical and psychic development of its son. The spread out idea popularly limits the act to play to a simple ones pastime, without functions more important that to entertain the child in amused activities. From the theoretical referenciais, it is possible to observe a series of important concepts, aiming at the good development of the learning of the child de0 a5 years and the paper of parents and educators in this special so important function that it is to educate a child with necessities. The thinkers and educators who work with this subject stand out the importance of the trick in the learning process and socialization.

In this universe, the child conceives the group in function of the tasks that the group can carry through, of the games the one that can be delivered with its colleagues of group, and also of the pleas, of the conflicts that can appear in the games where two antagonistic teams exist. The toy allows to the establishment of relations between objects of the cultural world and the nature. The idea of an education despertado for the interest of the pupil transforms the direction of what it is understood for pedagogical material. Its interest starts to be the force that commands the process of learning, its experiences and discoveries, the engine of its progress and the professor a generator of estimuladoras and efficient situations. But, as to work playful activities in children with intellectual necessities? The toys can be an efficient alternative for the development of the child? The musicalizao demonstrates to be efficient for the work with children who present intellectual necessities? To try to answer to these questions we will use the bibliographical research, for considering it indispensable in this study.