It is not uncommon, not only killing ex-wife (husband), but also children. Love – is a high sense, this man, but where its deeper meaning that would justify all the pain and suffering that it brings many of us. In the Book of Zohar, the theme of love devoted many chapters, it is said in it that the purpose of human suffering from the feeling of love is to teach him to love this. The nature of men and women, says the Zohar, completely opposite one another, and the essence of this contrast – the difference in desires. The woman – a source desires to receive pleasure, man exists in order to fill those desires. After all, that requires a man of women – yes just a constant recognition that it fills her desires as anyone else that he was to her only source of pleasure.
This applies to any part of their relationship from the first moment of love before the last days of their life together. Why is it these days so quickly cools the former lovers to each other, and many, anticipating future disappointment and misery, does not want to acquire a family, and burden themselves with unnecessary cares? This is due to the fading interest of the public to the entire material. We had enough food, entertainment, sex, soap operas, traveling. Many of inertia are still trying to learn from these nuggets of fun, but this enough for long. Therefore, lose their former value as a source of female desire and the man as a source of pleasure, and this process can not be stopped or reversed. So will end the love on earth, and instead it will only animal passion and cold calculation? Written in the Zohar, that the meaning of separation of whole desire, filled with joy, into two parts, male and female, is to show the light feeling love.
The reason for this, the book points out – that the basis of the creation of man was the love of his Creator. When there is love between husband and wife, then it is nothing like the glow that only love the Creator, because the other does not exist. But through striving to fill your beloved belongings, clothing and precious trinkets we can never feel the full feeling of pure love. And if connected to a man and a woman for material comfort, but for spiritual elevation, then together with the spiritual development of the enhanced glow of love between them.