The Word

Thus also it proceeds with everything what he comes to it to the hands. 4.ORAO OF CURE? Many times somebody in asks for a conjunct to them to be cured, or until we ourselves we need one cure. It is the moment to make a differentiated conjunct, using its saint faith, to supplicate the God the cure. In this and all too much conjuncts, we have that to trust the Word that brings glorious promises of ' ' God who you sara' '. 5.ORAO OF RELEASE? This is a different conjunct.

The son of God if comes across with a malignant picture of satanic operation. It has that to arrive ahead of God, to ask for authority to it and, after that, he commands to the dirty spirit abandons the life to who is dominating. This conjunct demands discernment of espritos, to understand clearly what it is facing. 6.ORAO OF INTERCESSION? This is an altruistic conjunct. Somebody needs something and requests of a brother helps who it in conjunct.

To the times it is a group of conjunct that makes that is the results is surprising. 7.ORAO OF CONFESSION? To the times it is necessary to arrive ahead of the Father and to confess the committed sins to it. After the confession, a pardon order is followed, what it will bring one blessed relief for its heart. 8.ORAO OF SUPLICATION? This already is one more serious and intense conjunct. The servant is needing you, urgently, of a solution of problems and it the Mr. supplicates blesses who it, that he gives a urgent reply to it. 9.ORAO OF WORSHIP? This is an unfastened, altruistic conjunct, very sacred. The son of God, conscientious of its condition of conscientious adorador and of the largeness, sanctity, magnitude, love, Majesty and deity of God, prostra it its feet does not stop asking for, or being thankful, but to adore, to confess what he thinks of God, to glorify it, to praise it, to magnficar it, only to enjoy it in perfect communion.